Thanks to new additions to this year’s program, 2019 is poised to be the best year yet for Florida Ag Expo.

As the new manager of Florida Ag Expo, the AgNet Media team is excited to expand the event to meet the needs of both large and small acreage growers. “This year will feature a larger trade show than ever before,” says Josh McGill, Florida Ag Expo show director. Growers will have the opportunity to visit with exhibitors as they showcase their newest products and services.
In the morning, the event will feature a panel discussion on hemp. Industrial hemp experts from several states will gather to discuss the logistics and legalities of the new, highly anticipated crop. Then, growers will be able to visit one of Florida’s first hemp plots during an afternoon field tour. In addition to hemp, other up-and-coming alternative crops, such as hops and pomegranates, will be highlighted during the field tours.
A delicious, complimentary lunch will be provided by local Cuban restaurant, Little Habana Café. In addition, all preregistered growers will be eligible for the chance to win a John Deere gun safe, courtesy of Everglades Equipment Group. The gun safe drawing will take place during lunch.
Florida Ag Expo is on Nov. 21 at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Wimauma, Florida. To preregister, click here or call 352-671-1909.
Exhibit space is still available. If you would like to reserve a booth at the Florida Ag Expo, please complete a registration form.
Information about the seminar sessions is now online. Click here to view the seminar schedule.
To learn more about Florida Ag Expo, visit